Q: protocolls and fault tolerance

I am new to this group and don't know what are currently the
topics but have a question I hope to get helped with 
in this group. 

Are there implementations of HTTP available based on
ohter protocolls than TCP?

Or could a HTTP realisation be based on many different underlaying

Especcially I am courious about fault tolerant highspeed transmission
that could be used if someone specifies in a HTTP ACCEPT statement
a continous media type like video and a quality option smaller than '1'.
Wihtin the Internet UDP or RTP would be candidates for such a transmission,
would'nt they?

I am not sure if my question and my understanding is right but it 
should be not too far off and here is a mailing list discussing HTTP.

Furhtermore it might be interesting if HTTP could be realized
straight onto maybe ATM and the other services it uses could be
implemented as additions.

Thank you for reading this and

        Bye   Brusi

            by           ab2@inf.tu-dresden.de


Received on Thursday, 29 May 1997 18:02:02 UTC