Re: privacy platforms

Larry Masinter wrote:
> I'm not sure what W3C will do, but one idea I heard
> at the CFP conference was the possibility of using
> something like PICS to rate sites by
> how well (or poorly) they treat the privacy of users
> who visit their sites.

Something like that.

As you noted at the recent IETF meeting in Memphis,
the privacy and demographics issue is stretching
the bounds of the charter of the HTTP working group.

I mentioned W3C's work on this issue at that meeting.
Here are the details I alluded to...

Social policy issues surrounding web technology are a core
competency of the W3C Technology and Society Domain:

W3C is collecting input on the following proposal:

        Executive Summary of Platform for Privacy
        Preferences (P3) Project
        2 April, 1997
        Ralph Swick, Project Manager
        Joseph Reagle, Policy Analyst

For further details, please contact Ralph Swick or Joseph Reagle.

Dan Connolly, W3C Architecture Domain Lead
<> +1 512 310-2971
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Received on Thursday, 17 April 1997 13:04:42 UTC