Re: webmaster@website

> I don't think it's too late. It is essential that there be some such
> address, and "webmaster" certainly seems to bve the logical choice.
> Unfortunately, the term  "webmaster" has been coopted (too strong a word?)
> to refer to HTML authors and web page designers. Even so, I don't think it
> would be overly confusing to use "webmaster" in way you suggest. A
> secondary problem is that many people maintain multiple webs on the same
> system (e.g., ISPs that provide web hosting) without having a separate
> domain. Typically, this results in URLs like
> I'm not sure how to handle this situation.
I guess the question is, does postmaster refer to the
domain or the server machine.
I think reality wise, postmaster refers to the server most often.
(ie sendmail can only direct stuff to postmaster for mail it receives,
 not that the domain receives... )
So, I think its appropriate that a host running a WWW server must
have a webmaster address, which goes to the system maintainer,
who can then refer it to the appropriate content author.
Keep in mind that the message to webmaster may not be a content issue,
it may be about a server misconfiguration.  In the example you mention
it's usually the same server for all users, and often for all domains
served by that system..

Josh Cohen				        Netscape Communications Corp.
Netscape Fire Department	               "My opinions, not Netscape's"
Server Engineering             

Received on Tuesday, 1 April 1997 06:03:28 UTC