- From: Fisher Mark <FisherM@is3.indy.tce.com>
- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 96 13:56:00 PDT
- To: 'Koen Holtman' <koen@win.tue.nl>, "'Robert S. Thau'" <rst@ai.mit.edu>
- Cc: HTTP Working Group <http-wg%cuckoo.hpl.hp.com@hplb.hpl.hp.com>
Another point glossed over by WebNFS is, as time goes on, just how much more content is going to be served from some sort of database rather than from static files. By this time next year, our Corporate Technical Memory will process all user requests through a database, leaving only the home page and the actual documents as static files. If Oracle improves its handling of BLOBs (excessive DB fragmentation has been seen in Oracle v7.1.4), CTM will probably serve the documents directly from the database also. So WebNFS would _not_ be a big win for us. Furthermore, from what I read in the trades, many companies are moving towards serving all documents out of databases just so they can manage their sites... This doesn't seem very WebNFS-friendly to me. Content negotiation will become increasingly important -- another point not addressed by WebNFS. The Web is moving towards dynamic data, while WebNFS is designed for serving static data efficiently. ====================================================================== Mark Leighton Fisher Thomson Consumer Electronics fisherm@indy.tce.com Indianapolis, IN
Received on Friday, 14 June 1996 12:00:06 UTC