repeat of a comment from a long time ago

In 5.1.1, it says:  "Servers SHOULD return the status code ... 501
(Not Implemented) if the method is unrecognized or not implemented by
the server."

At least this isn't "MUST", but I don't even see the SHOULD as valid
for proxies passing methods they don't recognize.  I'm not suggesting
that proxies be required to forward requests they don't recognize,
merely that they be _allowed_ to without violating any recommendations
of the spec.   I haven't gotten the sense that there is a consensus opinion
about how user-extensible HTTP should be on request-method, but it would be good
to leave it open until there is such a consensus.

This could be fixed simply by using the words "origin servers" instead of
"servers" in this section.

Shel Kaphan

Received on Monday, 3 June 1996 11:11:30 UTC