v11-03 COMMENT: 18.1 Accept

Two questions about the grammar.

       Accept         = "Accept" ":" #(
                             [ ( ":" | ";" 
                               *( ";" range-parameter ) ]
                            | extension-token )

1) Should that be *( (":" | ";") range-parameter ) ?
2) Is <extension-token> really useful?  Isn't it syntactically ambiguous?
(Okay, okay, so it's LR(1).  That's messy, if not unprecedented.)

It would be nice to have an example that shows both parameters and
range-parameters, such as:
	text/html; level=1: q=0.9, text/html; level=2: q=1.0

Dave Kristol

Received on Monday, 13 May 1996 09:36:02 UTC