RE: Persistent Connections

This is incorrect EBNF:
  Connection-header = "Connection" ":" connection-token
                                       0#( "," connection-token )

The '#' means "comma separated list", so the "," is redundant.
This is correct (and simpler):
  Connection-header = "Connection" ":" 1#connection-token

>Sent: 	Friday, April 12, 1996 10:54 AM
>Subject: 	Persistent Connections
>Hi all,
>We have been working quite a bit on the Persistent connection draft in
>to get some material to edit into the 1.1 overall draft. Currently the
>"latest" Persistent Connections draft can be found at:
>The above draft is being used to collect the consensus on this issue,
>so I
>intend to continue to maintain it. I have not submitted it to the ID
>lately as it has been under fairly rapid revision.
>Please read it NOW and send me specific comments. We are at the 11th
>here, so please keep it specific.
>Alex Hopmann
>ResNova Software, Inc.

Received on Friday, 12 April 1996 16:55:32 UTC