Re: Document Action: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0 toInformational

At 9:38 AM 4/1/96, The IESG wrote:
>The IESG has reviewed the Internet-Draft "Hypertext Transfer Protocol
>-- HTTP/1.0" <draft-ietf-http-v10-spec-05.txt, .ps> and recommends that
>it be published by the RFC Editor as an Informational RFC, but with the
>following IESG Note:
>	The IESG has concerns about this protocol, and expects this
>	document to be replaced relatively soon by a standards track
>	document.

Maybe I'm being a bit picky here, but it should be made clear that there
are no known plans in the HTTP WG to replace the HTTP/1.0 document, nor to
replace the HTTP/1.0 protocol described in the document in question. There
certainly are plans to come out soon with a *different document*, and that
document will described a *different protocol*, namely HTTP/1.1.

Of course, there are also plans to try to get as much of the world to adopt
the new protocol as soon as we can. However, this is an implementation

Received on Monday, 1 April 1996 14:33:48 UTC