
Some thoughts about mirroring, from a message originally in www-talk.

>From: Martin Hamilton <martin@mrrl.lut.ac.uk>
>I was just wondering whether there are any HTTP servers out there
>which let the server admin configure redirects based on the
>client's domain name.  This seems like a neat way to make browsers
>automatically use "nearby" mirror sites, without having to go
>round tweaking all the clients.  Obviously it would only be useful
>if you take the trouble to figure out the client's domain name
>e.g. to re-direct accesses to everything at http://www.apache.org/
>to an appropriate mirror site, you would want to put something like
>this in your server config
>  RedirectDomain / http://Bond.edu.au/External/Misc/apache/ .au .nz
>    .jp .kr .cn
>  RedirectDomain / http://iuinfo.tuwien.ac.at/apache/ .at .de .dk
>  RedirectDomain / http://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/web/apache/ .cz
>  RedirectDomain / http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/www/apache/ .pl
>  RedirectDomain / http://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/apache/ .uk
>    .fr .be
>If nobody else is working on this sort of thing, I might have a
>stab at hacking this into the NCSA and Apache servers

I replied:
>Rather than trying to force the client to use the server that you think
>would be best for it, it would seem better to provide data to allow the
>client to choose.

And I mentioned the URI: {mirror "url"}, {mirror "url2"} header as providing
this. However, I've subsequently had some thoughts on this.

Firstly, some general complaints about URI:; why is it so overloaded?
It provides two pretty distinct features. Firstly, the information required
for client/proxy-based content negotiation. Secondly, a list of other URLs that
identify the resource. Also, what on earth does URI: {name "url"} mean? What
is a `location-independent name corresponding to the Request-URI'? Independent
of whose location?

Apart from these concerns, I don't think the URI: {mirror} feature provides
what it is needed for effective mirroring.

How does mirroring currently work?

A site copies the web pages from a master, usually via ftp. It does not
usually copy CGI scripts, or modify the pages. So admins arrange for the
pages to have relative links to one another, but to have absolute links
to any CGI scripts (e.g. bug report forms). For example, from the Apache
web page bug_report.html:
<IMG SRC="images/apache_sub.gif" ALT="">
<H2>Apache Bug Reporting Page</H2>
<LI>Made sure the bug exists in <A href="dist/">the most recent version</A> of
<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="http://www.apache.org/bugs.cgi">

What protocol support is needed for automatic use of mirrors?

Firstly, note that if http://xxxx/adir/ is mirrored at http://yyyy/bdir/, one
_cannot_ assume that http://xxxx/adir/subres is similarly mirrored.
Secondly, note that by the time you download a document, it may be
too late to use any information about mirrors for the document.
(Unless you do a HEAD, or the body is slow to transfer.)

So I suggest the following:

Mirror: primary-URI " " 1*secondary-URI

the header says that any of the secondary URIs may be used instead of
the primary URI in any context, or vice versa. The header is for informational
purposes. (Rather like the additional information given by a DNS server.)
Typically, one of the URIs will be the URI requested by the client.

Typical use:
Client requests http://www.apache.org/; it receives the request with
Mirror: http://www.apache.org/ http://iuinfo.tuwien.ac.at/apache/

If the user then presses on this anchor
<IMG SRC="images/orange_ball.gif" alt="o">
 <A HREF="info.html">Background Information</A><BR>

Then the client may access ./info.html relative to any of the mirror URLs
e.g. http://iuinfo.tuwien.ac.at/apache/, and so retrieve
receiving the header:
Mirror: http://www.apache.org/info.html

If the server sends a Base: or Location: (or even a URI: header) then
it may wish to add a Mirror: header for the client's information.
Thus the Mirror: header can be applied to any URI passed in HTTP headers.

 David Robinson.

Received on Friday, 22 December 1995 02:35:20 UTC