Re: Registration (was Re: DRAFT Minutes, HTTP-WG)

> There is a well established system for content-type which involves posting
> information to the ietf-types mailing list.  This gives the interested
> community a chance to comment on it and it can get registered after
> comments have been incorporated or died down unless there seems to be
> a consensus against it.

You must be unaware of the controversy that has and continues to
surround the media type registration mechanism. To pick just one of a
dozen controversial cases, there is a group that wishes to define a
new top-level type "chemical" so that they can define a large number
of "chemical/*" types.

I might feel differently if there were a group of individuals willing
to work on this issue and also knowledgable both about HTTP and about
the history, status, and difficulties with the registration procedures
for protocol extensions in other Internet protocols (SMTP, SNMP, media
types, Telnet options, ...).

Received on Wednesday, 13 December 1995 19:08:22 UTC