- From: Daniel Fink <dafink@isa.informatik.th-darmstadt.de>
- Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 18:17:30 +0100 (MET)
- To: http-wg%cuckoo.hpl.hp.com@hplb.hpl.hp.com
Hello, I am new to the list. After following the pretty sophisticated discussions, I feel almost a little embarrassed to send my problem to the list. But I need urgently some help. I am trying to develop a HTML-form that allows users to search in various library-catalogues simultaneously without having to approach the different search-pages of each library. The idea is to construct the search-string from the input to my form adequately for each library and send it via telnet directly to the corresponding cgi-script. This underlies as long as one is moving in the world of the WWW the rules of the http-protocol (pretty smart of me, he?). Approaching a cgi-script that expects the data to be transmitted from the corresponding form with the request-method GET works as follows: telnet www.example-library.de 80 #80 as the standard port for the web-server -connection-reply- GET /cgi-bin/search-cgi?title=http-protocol&author=...... -answer by delievering an html-sheet with the result of the query- But how does it work when the script expects the data with the request-method POST from stdin ????? I know that http provides the request-method POST. This must be the key to the problem, but so far all my experimenting has not brought me the solution. So all you http-experts, please help me. If you are so kind to answer, please either answer directly to my email-adress or drop me a short line that you answered to the list. Thanks Daniel Fink
Received on Thursday, 28 September 1995 10:23:31 UTC