Re: domain-name?

>> Questions:  Is there anything in the 1.1 spec for passing the full
>> URL, or, alternatively, passing the domain name as a header?
>> Or am I correct in my reading of the spec that passing the full
>> URL, including domain name, is legal in 1.0? (e.g., GET
>> HTTP/1.0)?
>There is an ORIG-URI header that can contain the fully specified

Yep, that's right.

> I find this header to be very wasteful though.  I would
>prefer to see an ORIG-HOST header that would only specify the
>hostname so that it isn't necessary to transmit the path 
>part of a URL twice.

What then would you include for the path URI?
Orig-URI will be useful when URNs show up (if URNs show up).

All requests will include the full URI in HTTP/2.0.
Until that time, Orig-URI is sufficient.

 ....Roy T. Fielding  Department of ICS, University of California, Irvine USA
                      Visiting Scholar, MIT/LCS + World-Wide Web Consortium
                      (                (

Received on Wednesday, 20 September 1995 21:02:42 UTC