Re: Persistent connections: aborting requests in progress.

Jeffrey Mogul <> wrote (and then fled :-):
  > [...]
  > Someone will no doubt flame me for suggesting that the server
  > has to understand the shape of images.  Go ahead, flame away;
  > I'm leaving for a two-week trip in 30 minutes, so I won't be
  > around to defend myself.  But I'll point out that we could
  > make server support for GETSHAPE optional, without affecting
  > correctness (and in thise case a greedy browser could always
  > revert to a parallel-connection approach).

Jeff mentions something I've wondered about w.r.t. keepalive (or
"persistent"):  what should the server do on error?  Using his example,
if a server doesn't understand/support GETSHAPE, it returns an error.
Should it also close the connection?  If not, how can the server be
sure it knows the correct position in the (single) input stream at
which to continue?

N.B.  My server closes the connection on an error in the input stream.

Dave Kristol

Received on Tuesday, 12 September 1995 11:09:30 UTC