Re: What happened to Retry-After and 503?

At 09:05 AM 9/1/95 -0500, Chuck Shotton wrote:
>In reading through the latest spec, I can find no reference in the docs for
>the 503 "Service Unavailable" response nor in the Response Headers section
>detailing the "Retry-After" header. This header was discussed at length
>last Fall and Roy had added it to the spec (when 503 was "Server Busy").

Chill dude.  Need to follow the list a little more closely.

The latest 1.0 spec represents a "Best current practice" document.  *Lots*
of things were ripped out of it.  1.1 will contain the real version of the
"this is what we should be doing" HTTP spec, and should be out "real soon now".
Dan DuBois, Software Animal                
(708) 505-1010 x532           

Received on Friday, 1 September 1995 07:24:05 UTC