- From: Paul Hoffman <ietf-lists@proper.com>
- Date: Sun, 27 Aug 1995 16:53:46 -0700
- To: Dave Kristol <dmk@allegra.att.com>
- Cc: http-wg%cuckoo.hpl.hp.com@hplb.hpl.hp.com
>I, for one, would welcome such tables. I've implemented a server from >the spec., and while I agree with Roy that reading everything is >essential, I sure would have liked a set of tables to use as a >checklist to make sure I hadn't done something dumb. On the other hand, even a 4-dimensional table could take us many months to come to agreement on. I propose that Roy move the current BCP draft forwards and, if there is interest in doing such a table, that it come as a later document. Maybe someone (not me) can start by creating a database of their view of the BCP draft, then make the database publicly viewable. People could add to or disagree with the table (outside the WG, on a mailing list of folks concerned with such details), and any significant differences that are not deliniated in the BCP draft will pop out. It seems likely to me that these differences and/or enhancements to the BCP will be more on edge conditions than on the basics of how should HTTP servers work. These edge conditions, while important, are not so important as to prevent us from wanting a finalized BCP *soon*. We can always do a refinement or addition draft in six months or so. Heck, we could publish the whole database then, if we felt consensus on it. --Paul Hoffman --Proper Publishing
Received on Sunday, 27 August 1995 16:59:59 UTC