Re: any more comments? ('204 No Content' clarification)

        204 No Content

        The server has fulfilled the request but there is no new
        information to send back. If the client is a user agent, it
        should not change its document view from that which
        caused the request to be generated. This response is primarily
        intended to allow input for scripts or other actions to take
        place without causing a change to the user agent's active
        document view. The response may include new
        metainformation in the form of entity headers, which
        should apply to the document currently in the user agent's
        active view.

What is a UA expected to do with form fields in this circumstance?  If a
script is to take input and leave the form in view, it would be useful to
clear the form fields without changing the document.  This would: (1) give
a visual indication that something has happened; and (2) allow repeated
entries (i.e., data entry) to the same form without reloading or <input

If there are no objections, I'd like to see this:

        204 No Content

        The server has fulfilled the request but there is no new
        information to send back. If the client is a user agent, it
        should __display the document as it was originally received
        (resetting form fields but not otherwise changing the
        document view)__. This response is primarily
        intended to allow input for scripts or other actions to take
        place without __loading a new document into__ the user
        agent's active view. The response may include new
        metainformation in the form of entity headers, which
        should apply to the document currently in the user agent's
        active view.

Marc Hedlund <>

Received on Wednesday, 23 August 1995 15:50:45 UTC