Re: If-Modified-Since and forged dated


<> from "Lou Montulli" at Aug 16, 95 04:39:16 pm
> I don't want to require all servers to interpret size= or MD5=, but
> client should be allowed to send them optionally so that
> the server can use them if it really wants to make an informed
> decision about sending a 304.  

I second this motion - it only increases reliability for those that desire it.
This along with the below modified guidelines for behavior (originally from
<> from "Larry Masinter"):

* A server encountering a file with a modification date in the future
  (according to the server's current time) should not send the future
  'last-modified' date.

* Servers ought to be able to either precompute checksums periodically or 
  generate them on the fly, independent of the desires of proxies or caches.

* A proxy or cache shouldn't save a document with a future last-modified.

* A client and any proxies along the way should remember the exact
  last-modified (to the second) with which the document was delivered,
  no approximations, and independent of any local time settings. The same 
  applies to size and checksum information if so desired.


Received on Wednesday, 16 August 1995 17:31:32 UTC