Re: nits

Roy Fielding <> wrote:
  > >[Dave Kristol <> wrote:]
  > >p.42 Sect. 8.12
  > >	Shouldn't the date format be rfc1123-date, not HTTP-date (which
  > >	would allow the deprecated asctime-date).
  > No.  RFC 1123 accepts a much larger set of formats -- the HTTP one is
  > simply a fixed and unambiguous format that is acceptable by RFC 1123.

I'm confused.  I wasn't talking about RFC 1123, but about the token
rfc1123-date (p.13), which defines a specific date format.  The token
HTTP-date allows one of three different date formats, one of which is
rfc1123-date.  I assumed you wanted to specify just one of those formats.


Received on Tuesday, 8 August 1995 13:27:53 UTC