- From: Mordechai T. Abzug <mabzug1@gl.umbc.edu>
- Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 10:16:45 -0400 (EDT)
- To: Harald.T.Alvestrand@uninett.no
- Cc: HTTP Working Group <http-wg%cuckoo.hpl.hp.com@hplb.hpl.hp.com>
On Wed, 26 Jul 1995 Harald.T.Alvestrand@uninett.no wrote: > The content-MD5 document, RFC 1544, describes exactly such a header. > Is this what you are looking for? Yes. However, it's optional, and in fact, I've never seen it included with any HTTP-generated header. It would be nice if such a mechanism were formally included as part of the reply to a HEAD request, not for purposes of error-chjecking, but merely to know if the document has changed. -Mordechai T. Abzug Homepage: http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~mabzug1 send email to: mabzug1@umbc.edu It's hard to RTFM when you can't find the FM..
Received on Thursday, 27 July 1995 07:20:42 UTC