By Mike's suggestion I am forwarding this question to the mailing list.
Forwarded message 1
Looking at your implementation in ILU shows that if the fragment size is
larger than what the regular 18 bits can hold, then you set the
long_fragment bit and ONLY use the additional 32 bits for the fragment
size, leaving the 18 original bits completely empty, is this implementation
correct? Because if so, I think that I might have some ways to, in an
easily implementable and consitant manner, more efficiently use those 18
bits, while at the same time supplying more than 8 bits for session id's
and atom ids (256 / 2 session ids for one direction is simply waay too
If this implementation is correct in regards to the SMUX spec, then I will
do the same for my implementation. Then after mine is completely
implemented and interopable with your implementation, I will propose some
changes to the protocol that might be beneficial.
-Justin Chapweske, Cyrus Intersoft