Re: I-D ACTION:draft-palme-e-mail-translation-03.txt

At 10.40 -0500 02-01-15, Keith Moore wrote:
>the correct answer is to use multipart/alternative.
>even if current UAs don't support it, they don't support
>any other language selection mechanism either. 
>either the UAs will evolve to support language selection
>via multipart/alternative, or they won't - but that's not
>within IETF"s control.

Do you mean multipart/alternative with one body part for
each language? I do not think that is feasible, if you
check how present mail UAs handle this. Most people
would get only the first or the last alternative, quit
independently of which language they actually can read.

My proposal with multipart/alternative, but with an extra
body part first and last in the multipart/alternative, was
an attempt at accomodating your wish to use
multipart/alternative, and still get something wich works
acceptably when received by today's mail UAs.
Jacob Palme <> (Stockholm University and KTH)
for more info see URL:

Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2002 15:14:51 UTC