RE: Clarification: extended baseline semantics of UPDATE

Suppose I have a workspace that includes several baseline-controlled collections. My client can MERGE a new baseline into the appropriate baseline-controlled-collection within that workspace by issuing a MERGE request where the merge source is the baseline, and where the request-URL is the workspace.

Similarly, I would like my client to be able to UPDATE a workspace with a new baseline by sending an UPDATE request where the version is the baseline, and where the request-URL is the workspace. Would this work if the version-controlled configurations associated with the workspace's baseline-controlled collections were not members of the workspace? 

I'm trying to avoid the extra roundtrip and client complexity to retrieve the DAV:version-controlled-configurations of the DAV:baseline-controlled-collection-set of the workspace in this case, and figuring out which of those DAV:version-controlled-configuration's DAV:version-history property values is the same as the DAV:version-history for the baseline I want to UPDATE my workspace with.

So I'd like an UPDATE whose version is a baseline and whose request-URL includes baseline-controlled members to automatically apply to the version-controlled configuration for the appropriate baseline-controlled collection, even if that VCCfg isn't a member of the request-URL.


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Clemm, Geoff
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 2:22 PM
To: Ietf-Dav-Versioning@W3. Org
Subject: RE: Clarification: extended baseline semantics of UPDATE

The UPDATE method explicitly identifies the "update target"
for the "update source", so there is no need for such a rule
(i.e. you can only update a version-controlled-configuration
with a baseline from the baseline history of that 
version-controlled configiguration).

So this statement (which is about how to find the merge target
for a baseline MERGE request) is not needed for UPDATE.


-----Original Message-----
From: Roy Seto []
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 2:34 PM
To: Ietf-Dav-Versioning@W3. Org
Subject: Clarification: extended baseline semantics of UPDATE

Section 12.14, which defines the extended baseline semantics of MERGE,
includes the statement

   If the merge source is a baseline, the merge target is a version-
   controlled configuration for the baseline history of that baseline,
   where the baseline-controlled collection of that version-controlled
   configuration is a member of the collection identified by the

Section 12.13, which defines the extended baseline semantics of UPDATE, does
not include a similar statement, but I think it should. 

Is this the working group's intention? Would this be a reasonable edit to
make in the next rev of the spec?


Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2002 22:00:35 UTC