Problem: creation of a MS webfolder and length of DAV: header


we are experiencing a strange behaviour with the *creation* of a Microsoft
webfolder on our DeltaV server. When the DAV: header of an OPTIONS response
becomes too long, we get an "The folder you entered does not appear to be
valid. Please choose another." error. Once a webfolder has been created,
everything works fine, even if we make our server send longer DAV: headers.

Here are the limits. The 1st one works fine, but the 2nd (one character
more) does not:
DAV: 1, 2, version-control, version-history, workspace, label, merge
DAV: 1, 2, version-control, version-history, workspace, update, merge

I am using at client side: W2K_SP2 and IE 6.0 (but the problem occurs also
with IE 5.50).


Received on Friday, 17 May 2002 07:19:45 UTC