- From: Tim Ellison <tim@ellison.name>
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 14:55:27 +0100
- To: <acl@webdav.org>, <w3c-dist-auth@w3.org>, "Deltav WG" <ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org>
Now that there are a number of commercial products available that use WebDAV, I'd like to think that we can gain a higher level of interoperability by sharing information about resource properties. I'm open to suggestions about the form this should take, but to get the ball rolling I've added a category to the Delta-V FAQ to capture the properties' syntax and semantics (http://www.webdav.org/deltav/faq/serve/cache/34.html). The format is simple, but has the advantage that anyone can add definitions, or append further information about an existing property. I've added the RFC2518 properties in there to give you the idea -- clearly these publicly specified properties probably don't need to be in the registry since that information is merely duplicating the RFCs. So send me you thoughts on whether you think that such a registry is useful; and we'll see whether the list grows with people's additions (which is going to be the real measure of interest). Regards, Tim
Received on Thursday, 18 April 2002 09:55:30 UTC