- From: Clemm, Geoff <gclemm@rational.com>
- Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 16:11:35 -0500
- To: "'ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org'" <ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org>
From: B H, Girish [mailto:g.b.h@sap.com] Assume that we have a collection A/B/ and two members A/B/x and A/B/y. 1. When a PROPFIND is issued for A/B/, is it a MUST that the return URLs are A/B/x and A/B/y (that is always relative to the parent), or is it possible that completely different URLs are returned. My reading of 2518 is that it MUST return URLs that are relative to the parent (e.g. A/B/x and A/B/y). 2. Is it possible that two bindings are pointing to the same Resource? Yes. In fact, if you have two URLs that identify members of the same workspace, and PROPFIND returns the same DAV:version-history value for both of those URLs, then those two URL's MUST identify the same resource. To illustrate, assume that we had the resource A/B/x and another collection P/Q. Now both A/B and P/Q is checked-out. x is moved from A/B to P/Q. After this, we do an UNCHECKOUT on A/B and a CHECKIN on P/Q. Now both A/B and P/Q have bindings pointing to x. If both A/B and P/Q are members of the same workspace, then yes, they must both be bindings to the same resource. But if they are not members of the same workspace, then they could be two different resources that happen to have identical DAV:version-history propertis. Cheers Geoff
Received on Saturday, 6 April 2002 16:12:10 UTC