Legal operations on members of a Baseline Collection...


The Baseline Collection captures the state of resources that were in the 
Baseline-Controlled Collection when the Baseline was created or when the 
Version-Controlled Configuration checked-in.
In my opinion the resources in the Baseline Collection should be frozen 
(since they just capture state), but, the specification only seems to
disallow CHECKOUT of a member of this collection.

Section 12.11 defines (in precondition
that CHECKOUT cannot be done on a member of a Baseline Collection.
other operations, eg COPY, MOVE, PUT, DELETE, PROPPATCH also be prevented on

members of a baseline collection? 

If these methods can be done on members of the baseline collection then
the baseline is not stable and can be changed without checking out the
Version-Controlled Configuration...this seems odd....

Peter Raymond - MERANT
Principal Architect (PVCS)
Tel: +44 (0)1727 813362
Fax: +44 (0)1727 869804

Received on Thursday, 27 September 2001 05:43:54 UTC