Re: Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 2/9/00 (Friday) 12-1pm EST

   From: "Mark A. Hale" <>

   Could you please post a schedule for how the document will be handled from
   here if it is approved to be sent to IESG (dates and document stages, how
   public voting is handled, etc.)?

The description of IETF standardization process is defined in
an internet standard (of course :-), namely RFC 2026, with a
pointer on the home page.

In particular, at this stage, a standards action is submitted
by the IETF Working Group Chair (Jim Amsden for DeltaV) to its
area director, copied to the IETF Secretariat.

The IESG initiates an IESG last call period (of no less than
two weeks).  Then the IESG will make a final determination
"in a timely fashion" after the last call period expires,
whether or not to approve the standards action, and will
notify the IETF via the mailing list of its decision.

(No public voting ... it is the IESG that decides, but they
can ask for outside reviewers if they decide that is appropriate).

There are then additional procedures for advancing on the
standards track (e.g. from proposed standard to draft standard).
In particular, draft standard status requires operational experience
with the effective interoperability of two implementations with
distinct code bases.

There are a lot more details in RFC 2026.


Received on Thursday, 8 February 2001 21:59:13 UTC