RE: Labels and Status

> I agree with the points Lisa makes below, but I believe this
> kind of work should be done as a general WebDAV property
> metadata effort (there are lots of interesting property
> metadata information that you'd like to define and discover),
> and not something embedded in the versioning protocol
> (I'd say we've done more than our share by tackling the
> "report" problem :-).

I understand your reluctance to take this on, but I don't think the
versioning protocol satisfies document publishing needs without the
ability to create custom mutable properties.

What we've got in the draft so far, is the set of mutable properties
which are needed for source-control systems, like "Label-name-set" and
perhaps "DAV:workspace", and they are supposedly "Calculated"
properties.  Document publishing needs aren't met by the label option,
and there seems to be no way of adding new mutable properties short of
publishing an internet-draft.


Received on Monday, 5 February 2001 17:59:40 UTC