Re: is this example valid?

On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 01:33:47PM -0500, Geoffrey M. Clemm wrote:
> In subversion, the BASELINE-CONTROL is a trivial operation, because
> your baselines are already in traversable form.  So the cost to you is
> that protocol asks you to "publish" important baselines in the form of
> baseline-controlled collections, i.e. give them human meaningful
> URL's.
> I agree that the intermediate BASELINE-CONTROL step is not optimized
> towards your implementation (which does not need it), but it is
> needed for interoperability with most other baseline implementations.

That is exactly the issue that I'm pondering on :-)

Okay... thanks for the feedback. I'll figure out a way to deal with this,
then. I don't think that we can be truly interoperable because of the
question "where can I create that (temporary) baseline-controlled collection
(BCC)?" I can detect an SVN server and know where an automatically
constructed BCC exists, but if the server is *not* an SVN server, then I
will need to know a location to create that BCC.

[ effectively, I will automatically create a BCC each time a baseline is
  created (via a check-in/merge). a property on the public VCR will tell me
  the collection containing the BCCs. ]

[ attaching labels to the baselines is related to this issue ]


Greg Stein,

Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2001 14:05:21 UTC