Re: DeltaV Draft


   >   - Rename Chapter 6 to Working Resource Option
   >   - Rename Chapter 7 to Workspace Option

   Just for the record, I do not object, but I am disappointed because I
   thought that the names invoked use cases that helped illustrate the
   functionality-- the new names are more 'functional' but I fail to see how
   they will be used much differently than we had implied.

The switch to "working resource" option was to recognize the fact that
a servers might want to support parallel development of independent
resources without supporting the merge or activity capabilities that
would be needed for real "client workspace" functionality.

So one random thought this arouses ... we could define a "client-workspace"
option that is a package of "working-resource", "activity", "merge",
and "baseline".  That's a reasonable "high-end" package to standardize

And if we did have the "workspace" option require "activity", "merge",
and "baseline" as well, we'd have two symmetrical packages:
the workspace option, and the client-workspace option.

Just a thought ...


Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2001 09:32:31 UTC