- From: Clemm, Geoff <gclemm@rational.com>
- Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 23:24:32 -0400
- To: ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org
From: Lisa Dusseault [mailto:lisa@xythos.com] I'd be happy to be in the conf call and bring up what I see as two major remaining problems. They are not merely marshalling problems. If it were my implementation design that had these problems, I would call them "showstoppers". I'll add these issues to the agenda for the call. 1. Stored resources can get lost, or unfindable. This happens when VCRs are deleted (possibly by clients that don't understand versioning). The problem is that even versioning-aware clients may not subsequently be able to find the VHRs and Version resources that are thus orphaned. This is a memory leak. A garbage collector that deletes objects that still have references to them is as much of a bug (and arguably, more of a bug) than a garbage collector that misses some objects. Since a reference to a resource can appear in some dead property or in the content of an HTML resource or even in some email message, we have no good way of determining whether there are any outstanding references to a particular Web resource. Of course, that doesn't mean that we can never remove resources from web sites, but it does mean that the removal policy might not be one we can reach consensus about. So until we reach consensus on the appropriate mechanisms for reclaiming disk space, it is likely that the protocol will remain neutral/silent on the issue. Since the versioning protocol has no normative statements of the form "the server MUST NOT delete ...", the versioning protocol does not conflict with any such technique, and therefore it raises no barrier to any such choices a server (or future protocol version) choses to make. Solutions to problem 1 might involve something like a "orphaned resources report" that allowed the storage losses to be "found". Such a report is reasonable (and we certainly will be providing a custom report of this kind for my server), but since this report is independent of the current feature set, I would not suggest holding up standardizing on the current set of features in order to reach consensus on the semantics and protocol for this report. 2. Features which DeltaV has presented as "independent" are not. Working Resource requires UPDATE and possibly workspaces. There are five packages defined in the versioning protocol. There is no package that provides the working resource feature without the update feature, so in that sense, yes, the working resource feature requires the update feature (and vica versa). There is no package that provides both the working resource feature and the workspace feature, so in no sense does the working resource feature require the workspace feature. Solutions to problem 2 might involve defining a CHECKIN verb that includes the update functionality. Or it might involve recombining the sections of DeltaV so that a server cannot advertise support for Working Resource if it does not support UPDATE and possibly workspaces. A server is already told that it SHOULD support one of the defined packages, and there is no package that has the working-resource feature without the update feature). We tried to strengthen that to a MUST, but could not achieve consensus on that stronger statement. Please let me know when the conf call is and how to join. I'll send out mail beginning of next week. It should be the standard number, but I just have to confirm with our IT organization that that number is still reserved for us at that time. Cheers, Geoff
Received on Saturday, 23 June 2001 23:18:53 UTC