Confusion about what a VCR is

I keep having to revise my model of what a Version-Controlled Resource is,
or represents, and I think today I finally figured out where some of the
source of my confusion lies.  The early part of the spec is quite clear that
the VCR and its latest checked-in version are different things:

"when a method is applied to a version-controlled resource, it is only
applied to that version-controlled resource, and is not applied to the
version resource that is currently identified by the DAV:checked-in property
of that version-controlled resource.  Although the content and dead
properties of a checked-in version-controlled resource are required to be
the same as those of its current DAV:checked-in version..."

But the LABEL method takes a different approach:

"If a LABEL request is applied to a version-controlled resource, the
operation MUST be applied to the DAV:checked-in version of that
version-controlled resource."

For the LABEL method, the VCR is treated as if it is a link to the
latest-checked-in version, even though elsewhere that's not the case.

I think this is wrong; a PROPPATCH applied to the VCR changes the properties
of the VCR and not the latest checked-in version.  LABEL should behave the
same way.

If LABEL behaviour is not changed, then there's no way of applying a label
before checking in.  E.g. I can't label the version I'm about to check in; I
have to wait until I've completed the checkin before sending the LABEL


Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2001 15:27:08 UTC