RE: Resource type: a proposal

So here's my proposal for resourcetype values ...  I make no further
apologies or arguments for what I consider to be a 'type' vs a 'state', but
I do address how clients should detect variations in state.

I will however make a couple further argument for resourcetype because I
just thought of them:
 - clients that don't want to implement DeltaV could still allow users to
browse folders and resources and see if they're "special" in some way, just
by adding these few values to their resourcetype handling.  E.g. a client
like IE could display things is added as "versioned" even if it didn't know
how to checkin/checkout or view old versions.
 - ordering (really, grouping) by resourcetype ought to be easy, if desired

I suspect that the text in this proposal would be scattered throughout the
text wherever new resource types are introduced, and in the chapters that
discuss those types.  So, I'll put my text in the same order as the current
draft.  Those who are more familiar than I am with chapter 10 and later
should review that part carefully.  I'm still a little confused about
whether a version history is most usefully considered to be a collection
(that contains versions) or not; if it's deemed reasonable to call it a
collection then <DAV:collection/> should be added to all the version history

------- proposal ------

Version-Controlled Resource:  An additional element
"DAV:version-controlled"is added to <DAV:resourcetype> to identify
version-controlled resources.  E.g.
To see if a VCR is checked-out, look for the checked-out property presence.

Version Resource: An additional element "DAV:version" is added to
DAV:resourcetype to identify a version.  E.g.

Version History Resource: An additional element "DAV:version-history" is
added to DAV:resourcetype to identify a Version History Resource.  E.g.

Workspace: An additional element "DAV:workspace" is added along with
"DAV:collection" to identify a Workspace.  E.g.

Baselines: An additional element "DAV:baseline" can be added to indicate
that the version-controlled resource, its versions and version-history, are
related to baselines or configurations rather than to regular resources.

Activity: An additional element "DAV:activity" is added to DAV:resourcetype
to identify an activity.  E.g.

Version-controlled collection:  Existing elements are reused to identify a
version-controlled resource. E.g.



Received on Friday, 8 June 2001 17:53:17 UTC