RE: Property-o-rama

> I propose that we add this text as an appendix to the protocol.

I heartily agree.

> I'd appreciate any comments as to the format (I actually like
> it just the way Tim formatted it).  The only change I'd suggest
> making is adding the list of methods that apply as well.

Well, I have one small comment. I found the *any* DeltaV resource to be a
little confusing below, since it's really "any resource that supports the
option listed next to the property", not "any resource at all".

> ------------------
> Delta-V Properties versioning-15
> *Any* DeltaV Resource
> DAV:creationdate [webdav]
> DAV:displayname [webdav]
> DAV:getcontentlanguage [webdav]
> DAV:getcontentlength [webdav]
> DAV:getcontenttype [webdav]
> DAV:getetag [webdav]
> DAV:getlastmodified [webdav]
> DAV:lockdiscovery [webdav]
> DAV:resourcetype [webdav]
> DAV:source [webdav]
> DAV:supportedlock [webdav]
> DAV:comment [version-control]
> DAV:creator-displayname [version-control]
> DAV:supported-method-set (protected) [version-control]
> DAV:supported-live-property-set (protected) [version-control]
> DAV:supported-report-set (protected) [version-control]
> DAV:workspace (protected) [workspace]
> DAV:version-controlled-configuration (computed) [baseline]

- Jim

Received on Thursday, 7 June 2001 13:56:03 UTC