Re: lock and access control lists on (working) versions

"Pill, Juergen" <>
> Hello,
> 1) Would it be possible with DETA-V to have different access control list
> for different versions of a resource, e.g. V1 of resource /foo will allow
> user A to modify and read, but V2 of resource /foo will allow user A to
> read only?

You'd have to ask the ACL-folk that question, but I would sincerely hope
the answer is 'yes'.

> 2) Would it be possible to have two distinct locks on two different
> (working) resources?

Yes.  Working resources have distinct server-defined URLs.  They can be
locked using their URLs just like any other resource.

> Does that make sense at all?



Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2001 05:44:24 UTC