Table for autoversioning

In an effort to wrap my brain around all of the autoversioning options, I
developed the following table. I'm hoping some variant of this might make it
into the specification, since I believe it could increase the correctness of
implementations of this feature.  I'm also curious to see if I got it all
right (I'm most curious about the checked-in states...) :-)

Abreviations used:

ci = check-in (or checked-in)
co = check-out (or checked-out)
ul = unlock
lk = lock
-> = sequence of operations (1->2)
acoaci = always-checkout-always-checkin
acowuci = always-checkout-when-unlocked-checkin
wlco = when locked checkout
coouakco = checkout-on-update-and-keep-checked-out

Operation "write" is defined to be the state modification action of the
method. For a PUT, write = changing the body.  For PROPPATCH, write =
changing the property values.

The table is orgazined as follows:

rows correspond to specific states of the resource (e.g., checked out and
write locked).
columns correspond to specific autoversion options
cells contain descriptions of what happens when specific methods are invoked
under these conditions

                acoaci                          acowuci

ci locked    PUT/PROPPATCH                    PUT/PROPPATCH
             co->write->ci                    co->write
             UNLOCK                           UNLOCK
             ul                               ul
             LOCK                             LOCK
             err:423 Locked                   err:423 Locked

ci unlocked  PUT/PROPPATCH                    PUT/PROPPATCH
             co->write->ci                    co->write->ci
             UNLOCK                           UNLOCK
             err:412                          err:412
             LOCK                             LOCK
             lk                               lk

co locked    PUT/PROPPATCH                    PUT/PROPPATCH
             write                            write
             UNLOCK                           UNLOCK
             ul                               ci->ul
             LOCK                             LOCK
             err:423 Locked                   err: 423 Locked

co unlocked  PUT/PROPPATCH                    PUT/PROPPATCH
             write                            write
             UNLOCK                           UNLOCK
             err:412                          err:412
             LOCK                             LOCK
             lk                               lk

               wlco                            coouakco

ci locked    PUT/PROPPATCH                    PUT/PROPPATCH
             co->write                        co->write
             UNLOCK                           UNLOCK
             ul                               ul
             LOCK                             LOCK
             err:423                          err:423

ci unlocked  PUT/PROPPATCH                    PUT/PROPPATCH
             err:DAV:cannot-modify-version-   co->write
             UNLOCK                           UNLOCK
             err:412                          err:412
             LOCK                             LOCK
             lk                               lk

co locked    PUT/PROPPATCH                    PUT/PROPPATCH
             write                            write
             UNLOCK                           UNLOCK
             ci->ul                           ul
             LOCK                             LOCK
             err:423                          err:423

co unlocked  PUT/PROPPATCH                    PUT/PROPPATCH
             write                            write
             UNLOCK                           UNLOCK
             err:412                          err:412
             LOCK                             LOCK
             lk                               lk

Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 19:34:38 UTC