Re: retrieving propertes at CHECKIN time

On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 11:37:30AM -0500, Geoffrey M. Clemm wrote:
>    From: Greg Stein <>
>    > 	 i. Subversion-specific items: a custom report, DAV:version-name
>    > 	    must be an integer representing repository-global-change, atomic
>    > 	    CHECKIN of activities, DAV:prop supported within the DAV:checkin
>    > 	    element (to enable returning post-checkin information, such as
>    > 	    new version resource URLs), possibly other TBD items???
>    Note the bit in there about DAV:prop in the CHECKIN of an activity. It would
>    be great if that could be formalized, along with a response body for the
>    The motivation is pretty simple: the CHECKIN can construct a *bunch* of new
>    version resources. It would be nice to have the CHECKIN return that
>    information to you (since it already has it), then for the client to go
>    crawling back over the server fetching all that data.
> If you ask for a DAV:property REPORT on the DAV:version-set of your 
> activity, you can get all this information in one request.

True. But I can also get it from the activity-MERGE you just defined. And
that is much better.

(the version-set on an activity could be a little troublesome for me; not
 sure yet, though)

>    The interesting question, of course, is what resource the DAV:prop applies
>    to. Is it the version selector? No, because those aren't involved in the
>    checkout or checkin (we originally checked out version resources). So it is
>    most likely going to refer to the new version resource. I'm fine with that,
>    as I can get the DAV:version, DAV:getetag, and DAV:version-name properties
>    from that and be okay.
> Yes.  You would indicate in your DAV:property-request what properties
> you wanted in the REPORT.

Well, going against the DAV:version-set, it identifies the version
resources, so I'm already there. Not a problem. But the question is probably
moot for my case.


Greg Stein,

Received on Friday, 22 December 2000 04:44:53 UTC