Re: retrieving propertes at CHECKIN time (was: Re: Subversion support)

   From: Greg Stein <>

   > 	 i. Subversion-specific items: a custom report, DAV:version-name
   > 	    must be an integer representing repository-global-change, atomic
   > 	    CHECKIN of activities, DAV:prop supported within the DAV:checkin
   > 	    element (to enable returning post-checkin information, such as
   > 	    new version resource URLs), possibly other TBD items???

   Note the bit in there about DAV:prop in the CHECKIN of an activity. It would
   be great if that could be formalized, along with a response body for the

   The motivation is pretty simple: the CHECKIN can construct a *bunch* of new
   version resources. It would be nice to have the CHECKIN return that
   information to you (since it already has it), then for the client to go
   crawling back over the server fetching all that data.

If you ask for a DAV:property REPORT on the DAV:version-set of your 
activity, you can get all this information in one request.

   The interesting question, of course, is what resource the DAV:prop applies
   to. Is it the version selector? No, because those aren't involved in the
   checkout or checkin (we originally checked out version resources). So it is
   most likely going to refer to the new version resource. I'm fine with that,
   as I can get the DAV:version, DAV:getetag, and DAV:version-name properties
   from that and be okay.

Yes.  You would indicate in your DAV:property-request what properties
you wanted in the REPORT.


Received on Thursday, 21 December 2000 11:38:16 UTC