Re: Proposals for 10646/Unicode

>From: (Joe Kelsey)
>Subject: Re: Proposals for 10646/Unicode in MIME
>In info.ietf.smtp you write:
>>For more information on ICODE, why ISO 10646/UNICODE is no good and how
>>can it be improved, see:
>>	"Character Encoding Method for Internationalized Plain
>>	Text Processing", Proceedings of 8th International Joint
>>	Workshop on Computer Communications, Masataka OHTA,
>>	Dec. 1993.
>>electric copy is available from me.
>Please send me a copy of this report.
>Thank you in advance.

I would like to have a copy too. Perhaps a site where we can retrieve via

--Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)

Received on Wednesday, 22 December 1993 14:51:09 UTC