Re: estimated-visits-per-day (Was: Re: Caching dynamically generated documents)

On Sat, 6 Jan 1996, Koen Holtman wrote:

> Estimates could be made by content authors, or semi-automatically by
> access log statistics tools (counting GETs, and, especially,
> conditional GETs).
> Such a scheme may allow 500 Mb caches to get hit rates that are now
> only possible with multi-gigabyte caches.  On the other hand, having
> estimated-visits-per-day=N may not make much of a difference at all.

Well, hard disk space is so cheap, that is seems foolish to work very
hard to differentiate performance for what is a $500 hardware cost
per proxy. 

Also, if the proxy it self can't decide what to keep based on 
hit counts for things it has cached, it seems unlikely in the general
proxy case that having the servers it talks to claim heavy hit
counts will make a difference.

Dave Morris

Received on Sunday, 7 January 1996 00:52:50 UTC