- From: Ben Noblet <ben@lateralsystems.com.au>
- Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 12:54:56 +1100
- To: "'ALLEN Matthew NGPS7'" <Matthew.Allen@framatome-anp.com>, <html-tidy@w3.org>
> Hi there I am tryin to call tidy from a vb program but I am not too sure on > the string or even how I should pass the variables I want this is what I am tryin to do. I would suggest you try out the COM implementation of Tidy ... A much neater way of calling it from VB6... http://users.rcn.com/creitzel/tidy.html#comatl (example VB app included) Good luck Ben Shell ("C:\Temp\TidyTest\tidy.exe" & " -config C:\Temp\TidyTest\config.txt -f C:\Temp\TidyTest\errors.txt" & " -out " & frmConfig.chkOutput.Text & " " & stringpath(i)) I want to shell tidy, tell it to use the config file - C:\Temp\TidyTest\config.txt write the errors to- C:\Temp\TidyTest\errors.txt output processed document to- frmConfig.chkOutput.Text - a user defined place default is C:\Temp\TidyTest\new.html working on the document- stringpath(i) - example been C:\Temp\TidyTest\dtSearch_eOM.html So all in same directory. Which order should I be writing these? Regards matt
Received on Sunday, 2 November 2003 20:42:33 UTC