[html-tidy] <none>

Hi there I am tryin to call tidy from a vb program but I am not too sure on
the string or even how I should pass the variables I want this is what I am
tryin to do.

    Shell ("C:\Temp\TidyTest\tidy.exe" & " -config
C:\Temp\TidyTest\config.txt -f C:\Temp\TidyTest\errors.txt" & " -out " &
frmConfig.chkOutput.Text & " " & stringpath(i))

I want to shell tidy,

	tell it to use the config file -    	C:\Temp\TidyTest\config.txt 
	write the errors to-		C:\Temp\TidyTest\errors.txt
	output processed document to-	frmConfig.chkOutput.Text  - a user
defined place default is C:\Temp\TidyTest\new.html
	working on the document-	stringpath(i)  - example been

So all in same directory.

Which order should I be writing these?


Received on Friday, 31 October 2003 07:55:09 UTC