Re: Table moved to end of file

* Boudewijn Waijers wrote:
>When I use HTML-tidy to clean an html file, all the <table>s contained in
>such a file get moved to the end, after the </body> tag.
><table summary="sum">
>Would become something like:
>  <h1>header</h1>
>  <p>Text
>  <br>Text
><table summary="sum">
>  <tr>
>    <td>col_1
>    <td>col_2

I am unable to reproduce this behaivour using current sources. If there
was such a bug I believe it is fixed now or your test case is
incomplete. Could you try a more recent version of HTML Tidy?

Received on Sunday, 10 August 2003 19:32:18 UTC