Table moved to end of file


When I use HTML-tidy to clean an html file, all the <table>s contained in
such a file get moved to the end, after the </body> tag.


<table summary="sum">

Would become something like:

<table summary="sum">

As you see, my layout gets completely messed up like this. What am I doing

I am using a clean installation of HTML-kit, with the HTML-tidy plugin
installed from scratch, with the default options.

If you wish, I can send you a file that doesn't parse correctly when run
through tidy.

By the way, the "bug tracker" links on the Tidy FAQ page on scourceforge
are void: they point to nothing

I'm not subscribed to the mailing list: is this necessary
to read the answers to my question? I just clicked on the "mailing list"
link on the above mentioned page. If I need to subscrobe, can someone
please tell me how to do so?

Thanks in advance fior any help,

Boudewijn Waijers (bwaijers at

There are 10 types of people in the world:
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Received on Sunday, 10 August 2003 18:29:41 UTC