Re: tidy mis-handles <pre> text containing <br>

* Charles Reitzel wrote:
>>* Ed Gould wrote:
>> >Tidy mis-formats text between <pre> and </pre> when that text contains
>> ><br>.  I don't know what produced this original; it's clearly ugly (but
>> >correct) HTML.
>>Thanks, I added this to the bug tracker.
>Yes, I checked that one out and shook my head.  I think there are two 
>problems: one, the <br> tags need to be removed and replaced with a simple 
>newline (if there isn't one already there) and, two, the tab-to-space 
>conversion isn't working quite right.

I am not sure whether we should remove the <br>. It's valid to use it
inside pre and I am not even aware of any deprecatation of this
practise; maybe it'd be better to leave it to the user to fix it.
Anyway, if it is replaced, it must be replaced by \n, no matter of
preceding or following newlines in order to emulate browser behaivour.

I did not notice any problem with the tabs. What's wrong with them? Are
they replaced by the wrong number of spaces? I remember we discussed
this before and I proposed to change the default number of spaces. Did
we reach consensus on that? Or is something else going wrong here?

Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2002 11:09:13 UTC