Re: tidy mis-handles <pre> text containing <br>

Yes, I checked that one out and shook my head.  I think there are two 
problems: one, the <br> tags need to be removed and replaced with a simple 
newline (if there isn't one already there) and, two, the tab-to-space 
conversion isn't working quite right.

At 02:10 AM 10/9/2002 +0200, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

>* Ed Gould wrote:
> >Tidy mis-formats text between <pre> and </pre> when that text contains
> ><br>.  I don't know what produced this original; it's clearly ugly (but
> >correct) HTML.
>Thanks, I added this to the bug tracker.

Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2002 22:43:56 UTC