Few Question about HTML Tidy

Hello, my name is Hiroyuki Okamoto.

I have a few questions about HTML Tidy.
They are illegal cases, however content becomes strange after Tidying,
so I report them.

(1) When I write the following content,


   HTML Tidy moves the OBJECT element into the HEAD element like below.


   Should OBJECT element be inside the BODY element like below ?


  What should I do ?

(2) When I write the following content,


   HTML Tidy makes a new TITLE element like below.


   Title element should be only one in HEAD element.
   What should I do ?

(3) When I write the following content,


   HTML Tidy deletes the text element in the SELECT element like below.


   I think deleting the text element directly inside the SELECT element is correct.
   However, if no element is inside the SELECT element, I think HTML Tidy should
   delete the SELECT element, too.
   Am I wrong ?

(4) When I write the following content,


   HTML Tidy makes 2 BR elements like below.


   I think HTML Tidy should delete </BR> end tag. 

And When will HTML Tidy's new version be released ?

Best Regards.

Hiroyuki Okamoto

Received on Saturday, 15 December 2001 10:08:36 UTC