Fwd:Re: Accessibility checking summaries

>Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 13:02:12 +1300 (NZDT)
>From: "Richard A. O'Keefe" <ok@atlas.otago.ac.nz>
>To: terry_teague@users.sourceforge.net
>Subject: Re: Accessibility checking summaries
>	line 63 column 26 - <A HREF="access_errors.html#59">Warning [59]:
>	&lt;img&gt; missing descriptive text (longdesc/dlink).</A>
>	Everyone's thoughts on the matter?
>First, the output report considered as plain text MUST be readable as
>it stands.  Anything that impairs readability of this output is a bug.
><A> links should only be added on the user's explicit request and that
>should never be the default.
>Second, the most important thing is that the file, line, and column
>location information should be in a format that editing tools understand.
>Including the file name might be an option.
>Third, if the format is a regular thing like
>[<file>:]<line>:<column>: (Error|Warning) <number>: <text>
>then an incredibly simple tool can be written to parse this output
>and generate the <A> wrapping automatically.
>There really isn't any need at all to build it into Tidy.
>Fourth, there is a difference here between novice users and regular
>users.  I have described the perspective of a regular user who KNOWS
>what the messages mean and is only interested in going to the right
>place in the file and fixing the problem.  Novice users could do with
>more help, so a novice user whose web browser doesn't display a table of
>links (I love Amaya) would benefit from having this AS AN OPTION.
>So I suggest that the default behaviour could be something like we have
>now, but with an extra line of explanation at the bottom:
> To have this report as an HTML document with links to explanations,
> use the -novice command-line flag.

Received on Friday, 30 November 2001 02:44:21 UTC