Tidy-ing multiple XML files: A good idea?

I'm working on a project that will require referencing and displaying
roughly 75 XML files in a document. All of these files are stored in the
same folder, and some of them are pretty messy with too many/not enough line
breaks, no indentation, etc. In order to make the XML presentable for
publishing, I have been experimenting with Tidy to make the files look a
little nicer.

I'm using the following command line (without a config.txt) and I like what
I'm getting: tidy -xml -i -m -wrap 72 *.xml

However, I recently re-read the Tidy home page's notes on "Limited support
for XML". I love using Tidy, but am I better off choosing another tool for
this job? As far as I know, our files don't use the two features the page
says Tidy has trouble with (CDATA sections or DTD subsets). However, it is
critical that the XML information we present is accurate and I'm hoping that
Tidy isn't messing anything up.

Thanks in advance for any info you can give me.

Received on Thursday, 1 November 2001 14:34:55 UTC