RE: Problem with <textarea>

On 3 Mar 2001, at 15:12, R. Scott Granneman wrote:

> No, your explanation has no bearing here.

You're welcome.

> So the extra spaces that Tidy inserts between <textarea> & </textarea>
> become part of the initial value, and this is not good... 

*What* extra spaces?

You gave no version, no platform, no command line options used, no complete 
test case, and the snippet of code you did supply, when inserted into a 
minimal valid HTML 4.01 document, does not yield any extraneous spaces when 
processed by the Win32 version of HTML Tidy 04-Aug-00.  Still, you might 

> This is a bug, pure & simple, unless Dave Raggett tells me otherwise.

...Oh, it's like that, is it?  OK, then never mind.

> It should be fixed. 

Here's a thought: why don't *you* fix the "bug" and contribute the patch 
back to the list?

                                      -- Dave

Received on Sunday, 4 March 2001 02:00:22 UTC